Text properties can be edited by clicking on the text in the Timeline or on the Canvas.
In the Object Inspector, you can rename the text, edit its size, effect, border and so on.
Name The default name for a text is 'Text X' ('Text 1', 'Text 2', and so onward), and this is visible in the name property of the object. You can change a text's name by deleting the default name and typing in another one.
Placement & Opacity
Adjust the size, rotational angle, scale, opacity or manually change the location of the object on the Canvas.
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Click the Reset button to reset all values.
Enter X and Y coordinates to specify the location in pixels of your object on the Canvas, based on the center of the object.
Enter Width and Height to specify the size in pixels of your object.
Use the rotation option to rotate (in degrees: -180 to180) the object.
Use the scale option to scale (10% to 200%) the object.
Use the slider to set the opacity value or enter it manually (0 to 100%). When set to zero, the object is transparent.
The shape property allows you to change the appearance of the text background: Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Triangle, Hexagon, Octagon.
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Adjust ( Rectangle/Triangle): Use the slider to adjust the roundness of the corners.
Background Fill
Set the color of the background.
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Click to choose Solid Color | Linear Gradient | Radial Gradient from the popup menu.
For solid color, click the thumb and select a color from the menu. Right-click on the thumb to set the opacity (0 to 100%).
For gradient, click in the left thumb and select a color, then click in the right thumb and select the second color.
Use the slider to set the opacity value or enter it manually (0 to 100%). When set to zero, the background is invisible.
Set the text.
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Select to choose a font face from the list of fonts provided by your system.
Click to choose Solid Color | Linear Gradient | Radial Gradient | Bitmap from the popup menu.
For solid color, click the thumb and select a color from the menu. Right-click on the thumb to set the opacity (0 to 100%).
For gradient, click in the left thumb and select a color, then click in the right thumb and select the second color.
For bitmap, select an object (image/video) from the menu.
Use the slider to set the size of the text or enter it manually (14 to 192 pixels).
Click the color field to select the underline color from the popup menu.
Use the slider to set the width of the outline. Click the color field to select the color of the outline from the popup menu.
Select alignment: Align Left | Align Center | Align Right | Align Justify.
Click Word-wrap to allow long words to be able to break and wrap onto the next line.
Text Layout
Set the text layout.
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Use the slider to set the left margin of the text or enter it manually (-200 to 200 pixels).
Use the slider to set the offset or enter it manually (-100 to 100%).
Text Animation
Texts can have animations to create a smooth progression into the video.
The following animations are included: Letter: Custom, Letter: Reveal, Letter: Slide, Line: Custom.
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Click the Preview button to preview the animation on the Canvas.
Click the Easing Function button to specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.
Configure the animation properties (Movement, Scale, Fade, Spin, etc.) using the controls displayed on the bottom of the panel.
Use the slider to set the intensity value or enter it manually (0 to 100%).
Check the Border box to clamp the output to the size of the shape.
Add a border.
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Click to choose Solid Color | Linear Gradient | Radial Gradient from the popup menu.
For solid color, click the thumb and select a color from the menu. Right-click on the thumb to set the opacity (0 to 100%).
For gradient, click in the left thumb and select a color, then click in the right thumb and select the second color.
Describes the sequence of dashes and gaps: Solid, Dash, Dot, Dash Dot, Dash Dot Dot.
Describes the shape at the end of a line or segment: Flat, Square, Round, Triangle.
The border width (in pixels: 1 to 20).
In pixels: -50 to 50.
Blur Size
The amount of blur to be applied to the border (in pixels: 0 to 20).
Use the slider to set the opacity value or enter it manually (0 to 100%). When set to zero, the border is invisible.
Drop Shadow
Create a shadow effect.
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Click the color field to select the shadow color from the popup menu.
Blur Size
The amount of blur to be applied to the shadow (in pixels: 0 to 50) .
The distance between the object and the shadow (in pixels: 0 to 300).
The angle of the shadow relative to the text (in degrees: -180 to 180).
Use the slider to set the opacity value or enter it manually (0 to 100%). When set to zero, the shadow is invisible.
Transition In
Transitions are applied to a text to create a smooth progression into.
The following transitions are included: Custom, Circle Open, Circle Close, Rectangle Open, Rectangle Close, Reveal, Slide, Radial Blur, Spin Blur, Pixelate, Dissolve, Genie, Swirl, Magnify, Fisheye Lens.
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Click the Preview button to preview the transition on the Canvas.
Click the Easing Function button to specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.
Configure the transition properties (Movement, Blur Size, Scale, Fade, Spin, etc.) using the controls displayed on the bottom of the panel.
Transition Out
Used to determine how a text exits.
The following transitions are included: Custom, Circle Open, Circle Close, Rectangle Open, Rectangle Close, Wipe, Slide, Radial Blur, Spin Blur, Pixelate, Dissolve, Genie, Swirl, Magnify, Fisheye Lens.
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Click the Preview button to preview the transition on the Canvas.
Click the Easing Function button to specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.
Configure the transition properties (Movement, Blur Size, Scale, Fade, Spin, etc.) using the controls displayed on the bottom of the panel.